E-Collar Group Training

Safe, Reliable and Effective is the best way to explain E-collar training.
Whether training obedience or working on problem behaviour, we all want a happy and willing worker who responds quickly to commands at a distance and under distraction.
E-collars are versatile training tools that can help you reach your goal. We do all of our e-collar work with low stimulation.
**We ONLY use specific hunting dog brand collars. Such as Dogtra, Educator, Tritronic & Garmin**
To Book:
PREREQUISITE: You need to have completed The Ruff Life initial group classes. (Beginner to Intermediate)
Dogs must have been to at least 3 drop-in sessions in the last 6 months. (Some exceptions may apply)
You must have your own E-Collar. (Only pre-approved brands can be used)
Dogs must be at least 6 months of age. (Some exceptions may apply)
All aggression issues must be disclosed beforehand
We do NOT take female dogs that are in heat (All swelling needs to be back to normal)
You will need to complete a personal & pet profile- Please click on the "Book Now" button to the right